Laugarvatn community creative space

Land ljóssins – verkstöð

A space for workshops, meetings, artistic creation, repair café, social nights.

Project objectives

The main goal of the project is to build and equip the community with creative space. A space for workshops, meetings, artistic creation, repair tools box, social café. A space design where people get inspired, learn something new, and most important have fun. Members will have full access, with scheduled times to come and create something just by themselves. We will provide a wide range of tools and specialized tables for repairing, building, and fixing stuff. 

Project description

The project has the aim to create a community space, where students, locals, foreigners, people from the summer houses, tourists, and hobby groups can come, create, fix their own things, use the tools and space, learn from each other, and share the knowledge. There will be a scheduled time when members can come and work on their own projects. The place will hold organized events like repair café, seasonal workshops, artistic creations, social café. 

Learn and Practice

A variety of ongoing Workshops, to fill the community’s creativity and expand their skills.

The Workshops start kit.


Make your own lamp


Redesign your own clothes

Bike repair

Let’s fix it together!

Candles Making

Create a candles collection

Let’s learn together

Black and white Darkroom

  • Black and white film print

  • Printing on paper

  • Contrast, brightness, dodge and burn.

  • Developing the picture

Current activity

The space is located, in the Laugarvatn industrial area. The key step is to build a multi-space design. For the last months, we have been in the process of building a kitchen and sanitary facilities, which are not currently part of the space. Subsequently, the construction of the studio, warehouse, and storage space. We are also in the process of membership and a schedule for this year.

Benefits for Laugarvatn

Society in Bláskógabyggð will benefit from a place like this since it might bring new opportunities and options for quality spending of their leisure time. Public community creative space is missing in the region, which is exceedingly popular to visit between the artists, summer house owners, and tourists. Other hobby groups are students from ML, Bláskógaskóli, HÍ and schools around. For example, students and youngsters will have alternatives to the sports and recreational activities in the area. The project will increase attractivity among artistic interests. Anybody can become a member of Landi ljóssins and develop their own projects and events. The action of giving someone support and confidence in the fields of art and free creation. Many of the performers and artists have been spending time in the area since the village was established. The project will build up a working position and give the opportunity to start a new business for the creators and members, without initial capital and investment into the tools, space rent, and machines. Foreign nationalities from the region will, thanks to the project, have a chance to use the space, tools, and equipment daily. Becoming a member of Landi ljóssins will support sustainability, sharing economy, and ecologically friendly tendencies around the world.